Online Street Maps

There are two online street maps of Sweden.

Hitta.se: Enter the name of a place or a person in the field "Vad söker du?" or the street address of a place in the field "Var?". And click "hitta!". To print out a map, click "Skriv ut" above the map.

Eniro: Eniro is a telephone book provider. Enter the street address in the field "Var" and click "Sök". If you search by the name of a shop or a company, click "Gula Sidorna" on the top. If you search by the name of a person, click "Personer".

Hitta.se is better than Eniro in the sense that the former shows the exact location of T-bana station exits. It also shows the photo of a place you search. On the other hand, Hitta.se does not cover new street addresses (created by urban redevelopment) while Eniro appears to keep up with all the latest street addresses. (For example, try Hamngatan 26 Stockholm.)

I do not recommend Google Maps because it doesn't precisely pinpoint the location (e.g. pointing the wrong side of the street) and the street map may not be accurate.

Finally, check if your apartment stocks Eniro's telephone book. If it does, you don't need to buy any maps of Stockholm because the telephone book has street maps of Stockholm (including suburbs) at the end.

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